10 Top Ginger Root Benefits for Health + Easy Recipes You Must-Try!
生姜的 10 大健康益处 + 您必须尝试的简单食谱!

On top of being used in cooking and baking, ginger has many health benefits and we are going to discuss these health benefits of ginger in this article.
Ginger has over 400 chemically active ingredients and is a good source of potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper and vitamin B6.
生姜含有 400 多种化学活性成分,是钾、镁、锰、铜和维生素 B6 的良好来源。
It has been used for many generations to treat digestive issues, coughing, headache, sinus congestion, cold, flu and fever. On top of all those health benefits, it is also known to be helpful for inflammatory diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal elements and is known as a blood thinning agent.
The ginger we eat is the underground rhizome of the ginger plant. The flesh can be white, yellow or reddish in color and is covered by a brown skin. Depending on the variety and the age of the rhizome, the skin can be thin or thick.
Ginger is available in many forms; fresh, powdered, crystallized, candied and pickled. Fresh ginger will keep in the refrigerator for 3 weeks if kept unpeeled. You can keep the ginger in the freezer and shave off what you need to add to your cooking. This way it will keep up to 6 months.
生姜有多种形式。新鲜、粉状、结晶、蜜饯和腌制。如果不去皮,新鲜生姜可以在冰箱中保存 3 周。你可以把生姜放在冰箱里,把你需要添加到烹饪中的东西去掉。这样它最多可以保存 6 个月。
Health Benefits of Ginger Root 姜根的健康益处
For gastrointestinal problems: Ginger has been known to help motion sickness and vomiting. A double-blind study done recently revealed that ginger was superior to popular medicine (Dramamine) in preventing sea sickness.
Morning sickness: The anti-vomiting action is especially important to women suffering from morning sickness during pregnancy. Unlike many prescribed medications, ginger is safe with only a small amount needed to achieve the effect.
Blood thinning properties are being studied and cholesterol reducing properties are being examined.
For Inflammation: Ginger inhibits two enzymes that play a major part in chronic inflammations and help the body heal after an inflammation has occurred.
A compound called Gingerols is believed to be the one responsible for the relief from arthritis and rheumatoid pain and increased level of mobility in sufferers.
For pain: Ginger has analgesic properties. It has been used in treating headaches and ginger tea can reduce the pain and nausea associated with migraines. For some people, it can actually stop a migraine if it is taken at the beginning stages.
A warm compress can ease the pain of bruises, strains and sprains.
For heartburn: Drinking ginger tea reduces heartburn.
For coughs: Ginger has cough-reducing properties. It helps thin the bronchial mucus and moves it out of the lungs.
For burns: Fresh ginger juice applied to a burn will relieve pain, reduce blistering and inflammations and provide antibacterial protection.
For sexual dysfunction: Some believe ginger has aphrodisiac properties because it stimulates the circulation and normalizes testosterone levels.
For immune-boosting: Ginger can increase sweating which is helpful during colds and flu. It is more than just detoxification of the body but the ginger provides protection against invading microorganisms and fungus.
Basic Ginger Recipes 基本生姜食谱
For colds and flu: Prepare a tea from the ginger root by boiling 4-5 slivers of the root in water for 3 minutes. Strain. Add honey to the mix and drink two cups a day.
对于感冒和流感:将 4-5 片姜根放入水中煮 3 分钟,制成姜茶。拉紧。在混合物中加入蜂蜜,每天喝两杯。
As an inhaler: boil water in a shallow pot together with a few pieces of ginger. Cover your head with a towel and inhale the vapor. Adding a few drops of Eucalyptus oil will help you breath easier when congested.
For compress: place 1 cup of fresh ginger with 1 tablespoon of powdered cinnamon in two cups of water and let simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to steep for another 15 minutes. Soak a washcloth in the mixture and place on the injured area.
压缩:将 1 杯新鲜生姜和 1 汤匙肉桂粉放入两杯水中,文火煮 5 分钟。远离热源,再浸泡 15 分钟。将毛巾浸入混合物中,然后敷在受伤部位。
This is most effective if done 2-3 times a day.
如果每天进行 2-3 次,此方法最有效。
An alternative way for aching joints is to grind about 2 inches of the root into a paste, add cinnamon as above and a bit of water if needed to make it into a paste. Apply on the painful area, cover with plastic wrap and a moist, warm towel. Let the towel cool, remove and wash the area.
另一种治疗关节疼痛的方法是将大约 2 英寸的根磨成糊状,加入上述肉桂粉,如果需要,可加少许水调成糊状。涂抹在疼痛部位,用保鲜膜和湿润的温热毛巾覆盖。让毛巾冷却,取出并清洗该区域。
